Tuesday 14 August 2012

Runescape - Armour - Tokhaar-Kal

Source: http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/TokHaar-Kal

"The Tokhaar-Kal cape or "Rhino Cape" is a cape that can only be obtained by sacrificing the Fire cape and completing all waves of the fight kiln. It gives a +8 strength bonus which is currently the same as the completionist cape. Due to a recent update, the cape has graphically changed, however the stats of the cape are remain. The cape is now a lot more noticeable and now has a particle effect which matches very delicately with the bloom effect."

The Tokhaar-Kal is a well respected cape around Runescape and has become almost a key item to have to be respected as a "Higher Level." The cape is also a key armour piece to match the "max strength bonus gear" which is what most players aim for in Runescape.

The cape itself is outstanding. It is even brought into the wilderness which is a dangerous place to be taking a cape that takes up to 3 hours to obtain. Personally, I adore this cape, it holds so much prospect and admiration that I simply cannot stop wearing it. It matches a lot of outfits that the player may wish to use and also gives some incredible stats which prove to extremely boost the character during combat.

Overall I would give this cape a 10/10. I could not spot any de-buffs with this cape as it is defiantly worth the sacrifice of a Fire cape and worth the time spent obtaining it. The only de-buff about the Tokhaar-Kal is that players may find it hard to obtain and even meet the requirements for.

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