Monday 13 August 2012

Runescape - Slayer - Ganodermic Beast's


Ganodermic Beast's are a slayer monster and give 263 slayer xp per kill. They are located in the Polypore dungeon which is  at fairy code (B-I-P) or can be reached by entering the dungeon which is located just North- East of the Duel Arena.

Ganodermic beast's require 95 slayer, they also require a further 73 agility to reach the bottom floor on which they are located. You CANNOT receive Ganodermic beast's as a slayer task if you have under 60 magic.

Ganodermic beast's are a stable and very sufficient source of earning money in Runescape. They are extremely simple to kill as they are weak to both magic and ranged. However they are more commonly slain by using the polypore staff. You can also "safe spot" Ganodermic Beast's which proves useful for camping.

The profit made per hour at Ganodermic beast's can peak to an outstanding 2m. However this entirely depends on the number of Ganodermic flakes that the user obtains and how many other notable drops the user receives.

Overall I would rate Ganodermic Beast's a 9/10.
I have rated them a 9/10 due to the drops being all similar and not having much difference in cash per hour to Frost Dragons. Also 95 slayer is a high requirement for a level 280 monster.

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