Friday 17 August 2012

Runescape - Slayer - Mithril Dragons


"Mithril dragons are not particularly classed as a slayer monster as they do not require a level to slay, however they can only be assigned off Kuradal which is a slayer master that is preferably recommended towards players with 120+ combat. Mithril dragons also give 273 xp per kill whilst on a slayer task, this is extremely high but well matched as their combat level is 304 which is not far apart from "The Queen Black Dragon."

Mithril dragons are unique from the other steel dragons as it uses all three attack styles (Melee, Magic & Ranged) aswell as the fire breath. It is a challenging monster as it most certainly lives up to the combat level of 304. However, one should not be scared of this creature as alike to others, it has it's weaknesses.

There are multiple methods for killing Mithril dragons, but I shall only discuss one. Armadyl storm is at it's peak whilst being launched at Mithril dragons. It's accurate and powerful and tears these creatures down to almost nothing in under a minute. I would most certainly recommend it to anyone who is faced with Mithril dragons.

However, Mithril dragons are not only slain for slayer. Oh no, they have a special item which is particularly special. The Dragon full helm,  many players have hunted for this item and never returned, mainly because it is "very rare" on the drop list for Mithril dragon, but standing at a price of 40 million, so it should be.

Overall I would rate Mithril dragon a 10/10. These are magnificent creatures that had a lot of effort and infrastructure put into them, for many years on Runescape they stood almost as a boss, it is only until now that players can truly seek the reason to why Jagex placed them on Gielenor.

Thursday 16 August 2012

Runescape - Weapon - Abyssal vine whip


"The abyssal vine whip is an abyssal whip with a whip vine attached to it. It requires 85 Attack and 80 Slayer to wield or to create."

The vine whip has been criticized in every way since the release of it. It was firstly frowned upon as it only gives a +2 strength bonus from the original Abyssal Whip. Then it was criticized for costing over 3 million. However, looking past the criticism, the vine whip seems to be a lot more accurate and powerful than the original whip.

In the recent combat beta, the vine whip has been greatly improved. Personally it is one of my most Favorited weapons in the current game. Simply because it has the strength and accuracy that almost matches Chaotic weapons and does not degrade. Not to mention that the vine whip currently has a special attack which seems very useful in situations where your opponent is frozen, as that is when the special is most at use and can hit up to 150!

Overall I would rate the Abyssal vine whip a 7/10. I have only rated it a 7 because it's special attack is unique to any other in the game. However it can be evaded if your opponent moves out the way of it and is quite rare that it hits above 130's. Also the vine whip is expensive, even for a weapon of such strength and accuracy, it does not meet it's price as the whip is still not as overpowered as the other weapons around it's level.

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Runescape - Armour - Tokhaar-Kal


"The Tokhaar-Kal cape or "Rhino Cape" is a cape that can only be obtained by sacrificing the Fire cape and completing all waves of the fight kiln. It gives a +8 strength bonus which is currently the same as the completionist cape. Due to a recent update, the cape has graphically changed, however the stats of the cape are remain. The cape is now a lot more noticeable and now has a particle effect which matches very delicately with the bloom effect."

The Tokhaar-Kal is a well respected cape around Runescape and has become almost a key item to have to be respected as a "Higher Level." The cape is also a key armour piece to match the "max strength bonus gear" which is what most players aim for in Runescape.

The cape itself is outstanding. It is even brought into the wilderness which is a dangerous place to be taking a cape that takes up to 3 hours to obtain. Personally, I adore this cape, it holds so much prospect and admiration that I simply cannot stop wearing it. It matches a lot of outfits that the player may wish to use and also gives some incredible stats which prove to extremely boost the character during combat.

Overall I would give this cape a 10/10. I could not spot any de-buffs with this cape as it is defiantly worth the sacrifice of a Fire cape and worth the time spent obtaining it. The only de-buff about the Tokhaar-Kal is that players may find it hard to obtain and even meet the requirements for.

Runescape - Weapon - Armadyl Godsword


"The Armadyl godsword is one of the four godswords. Like all godswords, it requires level 75 Attack to wield. It has a special attack called The Judgement which inflicts 25% more damage with a 50% Special bar drain." 

The Armadyl Godsword was brought into the game around 2007 when god wars was released. It stood out straight away due to it "outstanding" special. The Armadyl Godsword has since been used for mainly player killing as it is both accurate and overpowered. It has earned it's right to be one of the top weapons of all time in Runescape as it has been favoured over most weapons even in today's variety of choice!

The Godsword is also chosen over the others due to it recent drop in price. The Armadyl Godsword still stand as the most expensive, however it is by far the most powerful. Many players refuse to fight those who poses it as it is known to deal some serious damage.

Overall I would give the Armadyl Godsword a 8/10. No matter how "bad ass" this weapon is, it's de-buff is that many players are now choosing the Chaotic Maul over this. The Chaotic Maul appears to hit less accurate but appears to deal more damage, even without a special attack, the Chaotic Maul can peak higher and arguably higher than the Armadyl Godsword.

Runescape - Weapon - Dragon Claws


"Dragon claws are a pair of claws made of dragon metal. They were released on the 26th of November 2008. It is a two-handed weapon that requires an Attack level of 60 in order to wield."

Dragon claws are mainly purchased for their special attack. This being due to the special attack on them hitting four times in under a second, these hits can vary from 0 splsashed up to 500. They are also a favoured item for "pures" which are fond of "rushing" other players with them.

The Dragon Claws are considered one of Runescape's overpowered weapons as they often to not disappointing players when killing their opponent. They are currently 9m on the grand exchange and are unstable as "the Combat Evolution" is scaring off most players from purchasing weapons.

Overall I would give the Dragon Claws a 10/10. Sheerly because these set of claws are by far the best weapon to be using when facing an opponent or NPC. There are rarely any complaints about these claws as they are reasonably cheap for the amount of damage they cause. A great piece of weaponry brought into the game!

Runescape - Slayer - Spiritual Mages


"The Spiritual mage is a potent magic user that can easily kill low-level players. Protect from Magic or Deflect Magic is highly recommended. Like all monsters in the God Wars Dungeon, they are aggressive to any players that do not show affinity to their god. For example, a Zamorak spiritual mage will be aggressive to all players that are not wearing a piece of Zamorak equipment. Spiritual mages require 83 Slayerto kill. They can also give up to 106 slayer xp per kill."

Source of information above:

Spiritual mages are commonly known for dropping dragon boots. Dragon boots are 152k and are dropped around every 100 kills. They can also drop spin tickets & frozen key parts. (depending on what follower you slay) Spiritual mages are a good income of money as they only require 83 slayer and it is easy to kill up to 100 per hour.

The best method for killing Spiritual mages would be to use protect from magic and to be using a chaotic rapier and be using prayer boosting armour, and aura's. However it is also just as good if not faster to kill them using bandos armour as it gives higher attack & strength bonuses.

Overall I would give Spiritual Mages a 8/10. The only de-buffs I can see towards these monsters would be that Dragon Boots are only 152k, and if you do not receive any on a trip you can end up wasting a lot of money on the supplies. However it entirely depends on what follower you slay as each spiritual mage can be different as to which god they represent. Zamorak being the easiest and bBandos being the hardest.

Monday 13 August 2012

Runescape - Slayer - Dark Beasts


Dark Beasts require 90 slayer to attack and give 225 slayer xp per kill.They can be found in either the Mourner Tunnels or in Kuradals dungeon. The notable items they drop are: Dark Bows.

Dark Beasts are known as one of the easiest and most "AFK'able" monsters that you can kill. Whilst using the Mourners Tunnels you can line most dark beasts into a corner (if lured correctly) and then "power kill" them using the Dwarf Cannon. This may cost more but it's largely increases your kills per hour.

If camped then it is possible to reach 400k an hour, this is presuming that you pick up all the coins and runite items dropped. However there is a fairly good chance that within 230 kills you may receive a Dark Bow, which currently stands at 200k. The Dark Bow is a signature drop from the Dark Beasts so do not expect to receive one if you are not planning on slaying many.

The most sufficient way of slaying the Dark Beast would be a Chaotic Rapier and if you are slaying them in the Mourner Tunnels then it is suggested using a cannon. If both rapier and cannon are combined then you will find killing them a breeze and you will peak to about 250+ kills an hour.

Overall I would give the Dark Beast a 3/10. The drops simply are not worth the times or supply's. 90 is a mockery of this monster, you will find better profits off monsters lower levels and with less requirements.